Granite engraving equipment Tornado ACS

Granite engraving equipment creates granite engravings uncomplicated at any place. With the blasting machines Tornado ACS of systeco, you can engrave photo motifs, QR-codes and also your individual design in facades, floors and wall coverings trouble-free.

In order to eternalize your company logo or your favourite photo into stone with systeco´s engraving machines, there is no prior knowledge required, all you need is a normal power connection to start. When you are engraving on granite, neither do you have to wear protective glasses nor do you have to pay attention to any safety measures. Working with blasting machine Tornado ACS is completely safe.

Granite engraving equipment
Tornado ACS, that´s how it goes ...

At first a sandblast foil has to be created with your motif, which can be done here at Harke.

After the foil is finished, it must be placed on the clean granite surface and pressed on to it with a bit of moisture. The granite engraving equipment comes to use. Therefore the jet hood of the machine is placed on the image motif. With the help of the movable jet lance the image motif is engraved into the granite surface.

The entire process can be watched by vision panels on the jet hood. If all areas of the image motif have reached the desired depth, your engraving is finished. Now the sandblast foil can be removed and with a bit of paint the contrast of the picture can be raised. The result is a perfect engraving.

If you like to find out more about systeco´s vacuum blast technology, have a look at out website.

Granite engraving machine of systeco

With the granite engraving machine Tornado ACS of systeco you can easily create photo engravings and grave stone engravings, or another example is to engrave a company logo on granite.

The granite engraving machine is easy to operate, so you get excellent results without prior knowledge. All you need for that is a systeco granite engraving machine, blast media, a normal power conncetion and sandblast foil with a motif of your choice.

Thanks to the innovative vacuum-blast method, which is also known as negative pressure jet process, any desired photo motif can be blasted on to the granite slabs.

Working with the systeco granite engraving machine!

You only have to press the sandblast foil onto the clean surface of granite, with a bit of moisture and you can start to engrave granite with the granite engraving machine Tornado ACS. The jet hood must be placed on the foil and blasted with the jet lance on it so long until the desired depth is reached in all areas. The engraving can be watched through vision panels at the jet hood.

Once the granite engraving is finished, the sandblast foil must be removed and the work is done. To increase the contrast, it is recommended to apply white colour afterwards.

Further information about the granite engraving machine Tornado ACS you find here: