Tomb engraving in Iserlohn
Stonemason Mr. Pempeit of "Grabmale Friedrich" is creating photo engravings on granite for many years. Since he discovered the vacuum blast method of systeco, he is only using the vacuum blast machine Tornado ACS, for the creation of photo engravings.
Mr. Pempeit says: "There is no better blast method on the market for the creation of photo engravings on granite". Due to the vacuum blast method, the sticked sand blast foil is not being damaged, not even on long and intense blasting. That way perfect tomb engravings on natural stone can be created. The closed circulation system ensures that no blasting material can leak out. Health and safety measures or barriers are not necessary. The work can be done directly on the cemetery, when a photo or a QR code is applied afterwards.
Find out more about photo engravings on granite.

Photo engravings on granite

Tomb engraving with innovative vacuum blasting technology
When it comes to engraving gravestones, it is important that the engraving is accurate and precise, without damaging the gravestone. The patented vacuum blasting technology from systeco offers an innovative solution to this problem.
Thanks to this technology, it is possible to engrave gravestones without the use of high pressure, water, or chemicals. The vacuum blasting technology allows for the engraving to be carried out directly on site, without damaging the blasting film. This allows for even delicate surfaces to be worked on with the utmost precision and care.
The patented vacuum blasting technology from systeco offers numerous advantages over traditional engraving methods. It is not only more environmentally friendly and sustainable, but also more effective and time-saving. In addition, the high precision of the vacuum blasting technology enables the engraving of complex designs and lettering that would not be possible with traditional methods.
If you are looking for an innovative and reliable solution for engraving gravestones, the patented vacuum blasting technology from systeco is the perfect choice. With the high precision and care applied in this method, you can be sure that your gravestones will be perfectly engraved without any damage. Try this innovative technology today and convince yourself of its effectiveness and precision!