Restoration of stair tiles
The restoration of stair tiles is a difficult job. The biggest challenge is, keeping the staircase accessible for the residence during the restoration. The upper floors are usually not accessible otherwise.
How to solve this problem?
Restoration of stair tiles
In an apartment building in Berlin, the safety tiles of the entrance stairs need to be completely cleaned. The safety grooves of very old tiles are soiled with old floor wax. To get this out of the grooves, is very difficult with conventional means such as high-pressure cleaners or chemicals.
In this case there is also just one staircase to the upper floors. Blocking the stairs would mean to block the upper floors as well, which is not desired in this case since the upper floors have several apartments, which must remain accessible.
With the cleaning machine Tornado ACS that type of problem can be easily solved. All soiling is removed from the grooves dust- and residue free and the staircase can be used by the residents during the whole process.
Due to the closed cycle, no blast media and granulate can get to the outside. Therefore, the entrance hall is not being soiled even more during the restoration of the stairs.
It is blasted with the fine jet glass SG 150, which can be re-used in the cycle up to 100 times. The running costs are therefore very low.