
The SPEED-adapter from systeco is an additional part for the Tornado ACS vacuum blasting system. Wherever the mobile vacuum blasting system reaches its performance limits, the SPEED-adapter is the right solution. A prerequisite for the operation of the SPEED-adapter is a compressed air supply, either from a stationary system or from a compressor.

In principle, the SPEED-Adapter can be used in all areas from graffiti removal to fire damage restoration. The main areas of application are boat stripping and removal of floor markings, where there are thick layers of paint to be removed. In these areas, the area output of the vacuum blasting method is not large enough. The electrical power of our mobile blasting machine is limited to 3,500 W in Europe. Therefore, the power can no longer be increased by vacuum blasting alone.

With the use of the SPEED-adapter, the area output of the vacuum blasting system can be increased up to three times by supplying compressed air. To do this, the SPEED adapter is inserted between the blasting lance and the suction hose and the compressed air is connected. The addition of compressed air can be easily controlled by foot switch. The further acceleration of the granulate in the blasting lance results in a two to three times higher area output without affecting the vacuum blasting process in its function and all its advantages. The granulate consumption increases only slightly when compressed air is used.

Compressed air is absolutely necessary for the use of the SPEED-adapter. Compressed air is usually available for boat stripping and removing floor markings; in other cases, a compressor with the appropriate power is required.

Technical requirement

  • pressure line with approx. 8 bar
  • standard coupling
  • or compressor with 6-8 bar and min. 50 litre pressure vessel
  • compressor with approx. 2.000 W power